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In connection with the sanctions imposed by a number of Western countries and companies, since February 2022 changed available shipping routes from China and other countries. The situation changes almost every day. To select the most suitable for your companies delivery option from China, prices and delivery times fill in any form on the site or call us at phone numbers +375 (29) 304-49-37, +7 (920) 324-60-42.

Our manager will advise you based on the available operational information, tell you prices, advantages and cons of different ways of delivery of goods.

More details with the terms of delivery of goods from China to Russia and Belarus from February 2022, you can see here

The company "Inter-freight" provides services for the delivery of goods from China to Belarus and Russia, as well as to the Baltic States, European countries and the United States and in the opposite direction. Extensive experience in the field of cargo transportation allows us to offer our customers high-quality and professional service, as well as favorable tariffs and optimal delivery routes if you need to transport goods from China.

We offer the following options for the transportation of goods from China:

As for the type of transport used for delivery from China to Belarus, our the company offers multimodal transportation, that is, through several types transport:
  • Railway
  • Marine
  • Air
  • Auto
Such transportation of goods from China is the best option. Through the use different types of transport, you can significantly reduce transportation costs and reduce the time delivery.

Basic transport combinations for multimodal transport China-Belarus:

  • rail
    Railway container delivery
    The cargo is delivered by road to the railway station of dispatch, then by rail to containers are sent to the arrival station. After that, the car is reloaded and delivered to the destination.
  • avia
    Air delivery + auto
    The cargo is transported from the sender's warehouse by car to the airport departure. After that, the goods are delivered by air to the European airport. (Minsk, Moscow, Frankfurt, etc.). The last stage will be an overload on car and delivery of goods as part of groupage cargo to the final destination.
  • sea
    Доставка по морю + авто
    For the carriage of goods to the port of dispatch, a railway is used or road transport. The goods are delivered by sea to ports in Russia, Europe, Poland and the Baltics. Then there is a reloading on a railway or car and delivery to the destination.

Approximate plan organization of delivery of goods from China

  • Step 1
    Conclusion of a purchase and sale transaction;
  • Step 2
    Formation of cargo in a batch;
  • Step 3
    Obtaining permits;
  • Step 4
    Interaction with authorized government agencies;
  • Step 5
    Compliance with mandatory customs procedures;
  • Step 6
    Delivery of goods from China to Belarus;
  • Step 7
    Informing the Client about the status of the cargo throughout route.

Recommendations for the carriage of goods in the direction of China-Belarus

Customers can choose any delivery method based on their needs, but our staff company will always come to the rescue and suggest the best mode of transport. There are several main tips:
  • 01.
    If you need to transport an urgent cargo, then the delivery of goods from China to Belarus it is better carry out a full container + car by rail;
  • 02.
    Small consignments of goods can be sent by land as part of prefabricated cargo. In this case, the delivery time will increase to 2-3 weeks, but the customer will be able to significantly reduce costs;
  • 03.
    If you need urgent delivery of goods from China, then air transport will do. The cost will be higher than with other transportation methods, but the goods will delivered within 3-5 days;
  • 04.
    In the case of oversized cargo, delivery China-Minsk is carried out by the method sea + railway in international sealed containers.
What factors determines the cost of transportation from China
The following factors affect the final cost of the service:
  • Type and volume of the delivered cargo
  • Mode of transportation
  • The need to provide additional services
  • The length of the route to the destination
* The calculation of the cost is carried out individually for each Client before the conclusion transactions.

Why choose us for cargo transportation from China

  • It is quite difficult to independently transport goods from China, besides, it is the event is fraught with great risks. You may receive a damaged product as well incur temporary and financial losses that no one can compensate you.
  • Way out - cooperation with a reliable transport company, which provides cargo delivery services from China. We are fully responsible for the goods from the moment his sending before transmission to the recipient.
  • Inter-freight has been on the logistics market for more than 9 years, and during this time we managed to hone their professionalism and establish themselves as a reliable carrier. Multimodal delivery services from China are one of the main directions of our work.
What we offer to our clients:
  • Finding the most suitable route according to your budget and preferences
  • Professional delivery of goods from China
  • Registration of accompanying, customs and permits documents
  • Careful compliance with all storage conditions, transportation and loading / unloading goods
  • Continuous tracking during the delivery of goods from China to Belarus
  • Insurance of goods in partner companies, time-tested
The company "Inter-freight" will help you deliver the goods and China, and will do it quickly, qualitatively and professionally.

Services for transportation from China

  • Survey services definition of product quality, suitability for transportation of goods and etc.
  • Warehousing and warehouse services packaging, unpacking, palletizing, etc.
  • Tracking in China
  • Insurance at the request of the Client
  • Purchase of export licenses
Какие сроки доставки груза из Китая в Беларусь?

Сроки доставки грузов зависят от следующих факторов:

Уточнить срок доставки вам поможет наш менеджер по телефону или e-mail.

Сколько стоит заказать контейнер из Китая в Беларусь?

Стоимость доставки контейнера из Китая в Беларусь складывается из нескольких факторов:

  • объема и массы перевозимого товара;
  • времени года при траснпортировке;
  • проложенного маршрута;
  • выбранного вида транспорта;
  • общей ситуации на рынке грузоперевозок.

Чтобы узнать точную стоимость услуги, свяжитесь с нашими менеджерами.

Какими видами транспорта осуществляется доставка грузов из Китая в Беларусь?

При мультимодальных перевозках Китай-Беларусь чаще всего используются следующие транспортные комбинации:

  • Ж/д доставка контейнерами
  • Авиадоставка + авто
  • Доставка по морю + авто
Можно ли доставить груз из Китая бесплатно?

Есть миф о бесплатной доставке из Китая, и многие поставщики и перевозчики хотят заманить этим клиента. Также упоминание об этом часто встречается на китайских торговых площадках, например, на Алиэкспресс. Тут возникает закономерный вопрос: на чем же тогда зарабатывают продавцы, если даже стоимость продукции порой меньше, чем доставка? Можно рассмотреть этот момент на примере известного сайта Алиэкспресс:

  1. Интернет в Китае по максимуму защищен от пропаганды, поэтому запуск массовой рекламы здесь могут себе позволить только крупные компании, а бизнесмену, который только начинает свой путь, это не по карману. Соответственно, приходится хитрить и в начале работать в небольшой минус, т.е. тратить средства на доставку с целью наработки репутации на сайте. Посетители обращают внимание на объем продаж и рейтинг продавца, и если там все хорошо, то проявляют интерес к этому магазину.
  1. В стоимость товара заранее входит доставка из Китая самым дешевым и долгим маршрутом. И тут для получателя товара что-то идет в плюс, а что-то в минус. Иногда сроки доставки достигают до 8 месяцев. Но зато товар будет доставлен совершенно бесплатно.
  1. Бывают такие ситуации, когда клиенты получают некачественный или поврежденный товар из Китая. Если покупатель заказывает уцененный товар, то он либо готов принять низкое качество продукции, либо, получив посылку, просто закрывает глаза на брак и не открывает спор с продавцом. В Китае нередки случаи, когда через интернет продают бракованные товары, которые можно приобрести на фабриках за цену ниже себестоимости. При этом продавец включает в стоимость товара доставку, и цена остается привлекательной для покупателей.
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Air delivery from China is the fastest option for transporting goods, especially in demand when delivering urgent orders. The cost of transportation for 1 kg is more expensive when compared with other methods, but it is compensated by the prompt delivery time. Order air delivery of goods from China to the CIS countries, Europe (including Lithuania) and the USA from the Inter-Freight company and appreciate its advantages. perevozki-vozduhom
Air cargo transportation
The wide geography of cargo transportation will make it possible to transport goods from the largest cities of the PRC to European countries, including Lithuania), the CIS and the USA. In cases where the final place of delivery is landlocked for organizing sea transportation, railroad delivery of goods from China will become an alternative method of transportation. zhd-conteinery
Railroad transportation of goods
The Inter-Freight company provides a full range of services for the delivery of goods from China to Europe (including Lithuania), the CIS, the USA in whole and groupage containers at competitive rates. perevozki-conteinerov
Container transportation of goods
We organize the delivery of FCL (full containers) and LCL (groupage cargo) to any station in Belarus, Russia, Europe (including Lithuania), the USA with subsequent delivery to the client's warehouse. If necessary, we prepare customs documents for the transportation of goods from China. perevozki-morem
Sea transportation of goods
Delivery of goods from China to Russia is one of the most demanded services in the Inter-Freight company. We offer our Clients container transportation by sea and railway transport, as well as air transportation and delivery by car. rossiya
Cargo transportation China-Russia
Shipping cost from China to Belarus, Russia, European countries, etc. may differ depending on the company providing these services. The Inter-Freight company, with 9 years of experience in cargo transportation, offers its Clients affordable prices for the delivery of goods from China by various types of transport. raschet-stoimosti
Calculation of the cost of transportation
Groupage cargo to / from China sbornye-gruzy-v-iz-kitaya
Groupage cargo to / from China
How to deliver cargo from China to Russia and Belarus now in the context of the introduction of restrictions by a number of European countries? Below are the main options, but the situation changes every day. dostavka-tovarov-iz-kitaya-v-rossiyu-i-belarus-v-2024
Cargo transportation from February 2022
We'll help you decide
with transport and tariff
Предоставьте нам все заботы, связанные с доставкой грузов для Вашего бизнеса, — сэкономьте свои силы, нервы, время и деньги!
* Forwarder liability insurance - € 600,000
Dmitry Grigoriev
Logistics Manager
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