In connection with the sanctions imposed by a number of Western countries and companies, since February 2022 changed available shipping routes from China and other countries. The situation changes almost every day. To select the most suitable for your companies delivery option from China, prices and delivery times fill in any form on the site or call us at phone numbers +375 (29) 304-49-37, +7 (920) 324-60-42.
Our manager will advise you based on the available operational information, tell you prices, advantages and cons of different ways of delivery of goods.
More details with the terms of delivery of goods from China to Russia and Belarus from February 2022, you can
- There are no risks of cargo delays or inspections due to the imposition of sanctions. The route runs only through the territory of China, Russia and the Republic of Belarus.
- Lower cost. As of March 16, 2022, it is cheaper than the sea delivery option for 2000-3000 USD.
- Transit period 16-25 days from the moment of train departure. Improved since February 2022 situation from delays in the exit of trains at stations. There are practically no congestions at the stations. Total delivery time from moment readiness of the goods from the Sender to delivery to the warehouse of the Recipient is 30-50 days.
- Due to the absence of a sea bill of lading, the ownership of the cargo immediately passes to the Recipient. Senders at This requires payment for the goods before they are shipped. Note: since February 2022, this shortcoming has practically reduced to zero. Shippers have moved most customers to prepaid, shipping options by sea across European ports are blocked.
Railway delivery cargo from China in containers
Delivery of cargo from China by railway containers has a number of advantages :
- low cost;
- no need to reload the goods during transportation by several modes of transport;
- high level of security;
- the ability to deliver containers to the consignee's warehouse;
- does an excellent job of transporting goods over long distances.
- industrial technology;
- large equipment;
- bulk solids;
- industrial and agricultural raw materials;
- building materials and other types of goods in large quantities.
Advantages of container railway transportation
Products transported in railway containers are slightly affected climatic factors, which allows the to retain the original characteristics products *
Allowable container loading weight is 26 tons. Nomenclature cargo limited only by the dimensions of the container
Optimal in terms of price. Compared to air, the cost of delivery will be in times less which is very noticeable when transporting long distances. The more mileage, the cheaper price.
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